WATER – our bodies are composed basically by water, actually
some studies show we are 72 percent water so it is really important to spend a
little time gathering a bit of knowledge about I right?
It is amazing what the benefits of water in our daily routine.
It is not only about getting refreshed after a long walk or in a hot day, we
are talking about THE FLUID that makes our body machine works better and
perfectly, give it a try, make yourself drink at least 2 liters of water a day
for one week, you will feel the difference.
I’ve been drinking 3 liters or more everyday firstly due to
my Zumba classes and my gym work out and you may think that water occupies space
and will make yourself fatter so I ll try to break this myth:
Imagine a glass full of fat (oil) this glass is a body. Very
gently pour some water, take your time doing that cause you won’t drink 3
liters of water at once, you’ll have a whole day for that. As you pour water
inside the glass you will see that they do not dissolve each other and as the water
goes in fat will overflow. Now try to apply this simple thought to yourself if
you keep drinking water consistently for a day you will help yourself to get
rid of some fat.
Another point our liver works as filter to our body, imagine
everything we consume all day, and worse if you like some drinks as I do sometimes
DRINK WATER 86 per cent of our livers is water.
Beside these great benefits water is also responsible for getting
rid of body toxins which make your body slow and is directly linked to the fact
of getting lazy to go to the gym :)
Here’s a little something you might use to help you through
the first days. Get a 2 liters bottle and write on it till what time you should
have your portion of water after some days you will see that you are already disciplined
to go on without the bottle and you will start getting the benefits of a healthier